Thursday, July 28, 2011

New leaf, new look

It's a bittersweet thing, but tomorrow is our last day of class for the summer. I am really going to miss my kids, but even more so, I'll miss all of the friends that I made this summer. On the "sweet" side of things, I'm moving this weekend! It's my first post-graduation step that says "I'm a big kid now," and I'm feeling very empowered and independent.

I learned a lot this summer, and I really do feel like a different person. Being in an environment where making healthy choices is difficult has helped me to realize how important my health is to me. It's always been important, but now it is my number one priority. I've decided to really buckle down and change my lifestyle for good.

In honor of changing my lifestyle, I also changed up the look of my blog. I guess I felt inspired, but I consider it the first step in moving in the right direction. Let me know of any comments or suggestions you have that would make things easier for you to navigate! 

And one more thing: I bought the Tone It Up! Diet plan. Expect several new recipes from this plan (once I actually have a kitchen). They always preach that this plan isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle. Since changing my lifestyle is my goal, I decided that my health was worth the splurge. 

Time to turn a new leaf! 

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so glad that you got it! I love the new layout :) miss you
