Sunday, April 17, 2011

Caramelized Onion and Goat Cheese Omelet

I've heard from a couple of you that you've tried some of my recipes, and I am so excited to hear it! I love getting feedback, so please feel free to leave some in a comment, or just tell me in person.

The May issue of Self is out. I picked it up at the store the other day so I could get this month's workout. Sadly, this one requires a stability ball, which I don't have (nor do I have room in my apartment to go out and get one). I was enjoying that I could do the other workout from home (all you need is a resistance band), because sometimes I just don't feel like driving to the gym. At least I still have a good home workout from month 1! 

This issue also has 28 new "recipe" suggestions (most of them are like "a bowl of cereal topped with banana and walnuts"), and I decided to try this one for a caramelized onion and goat cheese omelet. I still had some goat cheese in the fridge from when I made manicotti last week, so I jumped on the opportunity to use it up.

Recipe Notes: I just sliced an entire small onion. It ended up being about 1/2 cup post-caramelization. I just really like onions, so don't feel like you need to use that much. I also used skim milk instead of 1%, because that's what I drink. The goat cheese I had was soft goat cheese, so I used that and broke it up with my fingers a little bit instead of using crumbled goat cheese. Also, a tip for caramelizing onions: Use a medium-low heat. You want the sugars to really break down, and if your skillet is too hot, they'll just cook the outside of the onion. Keep it on medium-low when you add the eggs, because they'll burn before they're cooked through if the pan is too hot. 

1/2 cup thinly sliced onion
1 tsp olive oil
1 whole egg plus 2 egg whites
1 tsp 1% milk
1 oz. crumbled goat cheese
1/2 cup baby spinach (I gave this a rough chop so I wouldn't get massive chunks of spinach in a bite)

Saute onions in the olive oil until onions begin to caramelize, about 10 minutes. Whisk the egg and egg whites together with the milk. Pour in egg mixture and cook until the eggs set, 3-4 minutes. Top with goat cheese and spinach, fold omelet and cook until eggs are no longer runny in the middle, about 3 minutes. 

Taste Rating: 7.5
Not bad! I would definitely make this again. It could have used more spinach, so now I know for next time. Also, some possible variations: feta cheese instead of the goat cheese, add mushrooms when you cook the onions, tomatoes, maybe even some diced grilled chicken.

Easy Rating: 6
I think breakfasts should be easier than other meals. The only time anybody has time to cook it is on the weekend, so if you can't just whip something up, it's hard to justify making it. This whole meal took over 20 minutes, which makes in a no-go for weekdays. It wasn't necessarily difficult, it just took some time. 

Overall Rating: 7

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